When your diet isn’t the best, your dental health and and your oral health will suffer. Eat these healthy foods instead!
Do you ever think about what you eat? When you eat food or drink beverages that are too packed with sugar, these treats will damage your teeth and lead to tooth decay. When your diet isn’t the best, your dental health and and your oral health will suffer. Eat these healthy foods instead!
If you love cheese, we have some good news for you. Cheese is actually great for your teeth. The Journal of the American Academy of General Dentistry found that cheese raises the pH of your mouth and can help against the effects of tooth decay. When you eat cheese, you need to chew more, and this extra chewing helps convince your mouth that you need more saliva in order to keep the process of chewing and eating as easy as possible. The calcium and protein in cheese can also help to rebuild any damaged teeth enamel you might have.
Cheese and yogurt are both yummy dairy products. Much like cheese, yogurt is packed with calcium and protein. So, if you want to make your teeth stronger, eat plenty of yogurt. Yogurt also contains probiotics, which are good bacteria. These bacteria will improve your gum health, too. The probiotics overwhelm the bad bacteria that can cause cavities. Don’t be tempted by flavored yogurts – those will be filled with added sugar. When you add yogurt to your diet, go for a plain kind of yogurt – even if you do something to jazz it up, you should still steer clear of added sugar.
Don’t forget to eat your greens! You’ve always heard that eating your greens was good for you. Well, now you know why they’re the classic healthy foods. They’re high in vitamins and minerals while low in calories. Kale and spinach both have calcium, like cheese and yogurt. But these veggies are also rich in folic acid. Folic acid can benefit expectant mothers. Looking to expand the ways you eat your greens? Try including baby spinach on a salad, put kale on a slice of pizza, or add greens to a smoothie for a quick power up.
We bet you didn’t expect almonds to be on this list. Almonds are also bursting with calcium and protein while remaining low in sugar. Have a quarter cup with your lunch, or add some to your next salad. You can also put them in a stir fry to add some nice crunch.
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For all of your oral care questions and concerns, Olney Dental has the expertise and professionalism to get them the answers they need. Olney Dental is ready to supply you with expert service in a professional environment. Schedule an appointment online today! For more information on how we can give your family the best dentist experience available, give us a call at (301) 250-1057 or contact us online.
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