Relaxation dentistry can make your trip to the dentist anxiety-free.
Are you stressed or anxious before a dental appointment? If so, you’re not alone. It’s common for patients to feel increased anxiety when visiting the dentist, and for some people, this anxiety may even prevent them from scheduling their regular checkups. Fortunately, dental anxiety can be managed with relaxation dentistry. At Olney Dental, we offer our patients this option so they can face their dentist without fear or worry. If relaxation dentistry sounds good to you, read on to learn how easy it can make receiving dental treatments.
Relaxation Dentistry vs. Sleep Dentistry
Sleep dentistry is when patients are completely asleep under general anesthesia. During sleep dentistry treatments, patients are not conscious at all and only wake up when the effects of the anesthesia wear off.
Relaxation dentistry, however, leaves patients in varying states of consciousness. The goal is first to relax patients and induce feelings of mild drowsiness and euphoria to eliminate the tension that comes with high anxiety. Relaxation dentistry is helpful because it can be used during mild dental treatments where sleep dentistry is unnecessary. Plus, relaxing sedation wears off much faster than general anesthesia, so you can drive home after your appointment without suffering extreme drowsiness.
Why Use Dental Sedation?
A common type of sedation used on patients is nitrous oxide or “laughing gas.” You inhale the gas, and it immediately blocks the anxiety-causing neurotransmitters, dulls pain receptors, and produces the dopamine that makes you feel happy.
Nitrous oxide can be easily adjusted during a dental procedure to meet the patient’s needs. Then, it quickly wears off when the appointment is complete.
If you prefer moderate sedation administered through IV or pills, you will feel more lingering drowsiness. Depending on your anxiety levels and the procedure you are receiving, your dentist can recommend the best sedation option.
How to Feel More Relaxed Before Your Appointment
Before you arrive at Olney Dental and receive sedation for your appointment, there are steps you can take to feel more at ease. To increase your relaxation, you can:
- Schedule an early appointment so you can get it over with first thing
- Arrive at your appointment right on time to avoid waiting too long
- Listen to music that relaxes you
- Listen to or watch something funny with headphones on while you wait
- Try some deep breathing exercises
You can also discuss your concerns with your dentist and have them answer any questions you have. Being prepared and feeling informed about your dental treatment will help you face your next appointment with minimal anxiety.
You Can Trust Olney Dental for All of Your Dental Care Needs
For all of your oral care questions and concerns, Olney Dental has the expertise and professionalism to get them the answers they need. Olney Dental is ready to supply you with expert service in a professional environment. Schedule an appointment online today! For more information on how we can give your family the best dentist experience available, give us a call at (301) 250-1057 or contact us online. For more dental tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest.