It’s tempting to spend all of Halloween eating yummy treats. But the trick is to keep your teeth healthy and happy because tooth decay is a problem that can only get worse when you gorge on too many pieces of candy.
It’s tempting to spend all of Halloween eating yummy treats. But the trick is to keep your teeth healthy and happy because tooth decay is a problem that can only get worse when you gorge on too many pieces of candy. Here’s how you can protect your teeth this coming Halloween.
Eat Carefully
While you can eat all the candy you want throughout the day, be smart about it. Eat the candy you like the most (and some other Halloween themed sweets) with your breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Or, have some candy to fill in those empty spaces in your stomach. Either way, when you’re eating, you’re also producing more saliva, which can help wash the sugar off your teeth and prevent bacteria from having a field day.
Don’t Eat Anything Sticky
Gummy bears, sharks, and spiders, oh my! While you might want to have sticky candies such as gummies, toffees, and rich treats like fudge, minimize your sweet tooth for this day. All of these may taste good, but you can increase your chances of tooth decay if you do. You might also get cavities. And although it’s tempting to indulge on sugar-free candies, don’t overdo it either.
Keep Drinking Water
Do your best to drink as much water as you can. Instead of drinking juice, cider, or sodas, water is the best for you. Make sure the water you drink has fluoride in it, even if you rely on drinking bottled water.
Eat Fruits and Vegetables
Yes, it’s true that fruits and vegetables have their own natural sugars and acids that can harm your teeth. But when you stick to a healthier diet, you’ll also find that your mouth will benefit. For one thing, your teeth and your gums will be much stronger, and you’ll have better breath, too.
Don’t Drink Anything Sugary
Last but not least, don’t drink anything sugary. Even if you’re tired and thirsty at the end of the night after a fun party, drinking sodas, sports drinks, and sparkling water are not the drinks you should choose.
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