Having your wisdom teeth pulled isn’t as bad as it sounds!
After you get your wisdom teeth out, it’s not surprising if you are still miserable for the next few days. After all, the pain you feel now probably isn’t as bad as the pain you felt before the wisdom teeth were removed. That said, it gets easier after the first forty-eight hours. Here is a survival guide to life after wisdom teeth.
Avoid the Dry Socket
Any time you get a tooth pulled, you could develop a dry socket. Wisdom teeth extractions are no different. You’ll feel a blood clot form as the bleeding stops. But that clot can always break up, leaving a dry socket behind. The bone and nerves at the bottom of the teeth, near the roots, are left exposed enough that you will feel excruciating pain. You might also experience bad breath and even a low fever.
Dealing with Bleeding
Bleeding after wisdom teeth removal is entirely normal. Make sure you follow your dentist’s instructions and use enough gauze to slow down the bleed. You can also use a tea bag to provide the same kind of relief since the tannic acid in tea can help the blood clot form faster.
What to Do About Swelling
Swelling is another normal side effect. You will need ice packs to help soothe the swelling and make the puffiness go down. Doing this will also lower the chances of developing bruises as well as decreasing the overall amount of pain you feel. However, if your teeth were already infected before extraction, you might be told to use a warm, wet, towel instead of anything cold.
Eating Better
At first, eating anything will be difficult. It’s best to stick to softer foods, such as eggs and mashed potatoes. Make sure you stay well-hydrated, even if swallowing might be hard as well. For the time being, stay away from fizzy drinks, peanuts, pasta, and especially popcorn, even if you crave these foods. The softer the food, the better, and in a few days you should be able to resume eating as normal.
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