There are several different types of food and beverages that can cause major damage to your teeth!
Just because you love food doesn’t mean that it always love you back. Whether you have problems with digestion or with allergies, your body may not appreciate your choice of diet. But sometimes, what you eat can damage your teeth even if you don’t think that it can. Let’s find out what they are.
Sour Candy
Do you love candy? That’s great! As with everything you eat, moderation is key. The acids hidden in sour candies can wreck your teeth. The chewiness can also do more damage to your mouth than you might realize at first. If you want a sweet snack, chocolate might be a better choice, it can hit the spot that your craving fills and is much easier on your teeth, whether or not you enjoy dark chocolate.
Wheat and Wheat By-Products
All of the starch from your sandwich can also turn into sugar. This means that you don’t think you’re getting sugar, but your body knows. This scientific fact is also true of all wheat and wheat by-products. Bits of bread can get stuck in the spaces between your teeth, leading to more cavities if you aren’t attentive when it comes to oral health.
No matter what type of alcohol you have, you still need to be careful. This isn’t just because of the intoxicating effects of liquor, It also contains a high amount of sugar, which can make it even more dangerous if you have other health conditions such as diabetes. Alcohol can dry out your mouth and dehydrate you, neither of which is a good thing. That’s because saliva is much more useful for your mouth and teeth than you might think – it can fight off tooth decay and gum disease, for starters!
Fizzy Drinks
Sodas and other fizzy drinks can also destroy your teeth. They can leave unsightly stains behind, make your breath worse, and break down your tooth enamel. Make sure you have some food whenever you drink a soda to help reduce the acidic effect. Rinse with some water or use a straw. Diet sodas aren’t much better for you, either. One more thing: don’t run off to brush your teeth once the glass, can, or bottle is empty. Give your teeth some time to recover. Brushing right away can actually be worse.
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