Chipped teeth can be caused my many of the things we do every day!
When you imagine chipping a tooth, your first thought might be an accident, like a fall, or a high impact sports injury. In reality, a chipped tooth can come from all sorts of mundane things you wouldn’t expect. In fact, much of the time a chipped tooth will be caused by something simple, such as biting your nails or chewing on ice.
Those who deal with stress know just how much it can do, including causing teeth grinding. Often those suffering from high levels of stress will grind their teeth in their sleep which causes significant damage including chips and cracks.
Tongue Piercings
Research shows that 46% of people who wear a tongue ring for at least four years will experience a chipped tooth. Mouth jewelry inevitably gets bitten, sometimes on accident, sometimes habitually, in any case, this causes cracks, chips, and other damage.
Crooked Teeth
Not only are braces good for straightening teeth, but they can eliminate the causes of several dental problems as well. Crooked teeth can lead to pain and improper bite, which in turn can lead to chips or cracks in the teeth. The best way to prevent this issue is to have crooked teeth addressed early on.
Nail Biting
While highly common, nail biting can lead to a variety of teeth problems, mainly if you use the same few teeth every time. Unfortunately, because humans are creatures of habit, the likelihood is, if you bite your nails it is with the same few teeth, which can cause accelerated wear and damage.
Chewing Ice
Anytime you chew on hard objects such as ice, hard candy, or non-food items you are risking the health of your teeth. These items are often the culprits for chipped teeth, we recommend avoiding all of these and instead of chewing sugar-free gum if the need to chew occurs.
You Can Trust Olney Dental for All of Your Dental Care Needs
For all of your oral care questions and concerns, Olney Dental has the expertise and professionalism to get them the answers they need. Olney Dental is ready to supply you with expert service in a professional environment. Schedule an appointment online today! For more information on how we can give your family the best dentist experience available, give us a call at (301) 250-1057 or contact us online. For more dental tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, and Pinterest.