Develop a healthy oral care routine!
When it comes to brushing your teeth, you might think it’s one of the easiest things in the world. But keeping a good routine for ensuring dental hygiene can be trickier than you might think. After all, you might finish brushing, just to have unpleasant breath (in your opinion) come back soon after. So what are some ways to improve your technique for brushing your teeth?
Take As Long as You Need
Two minutes seems to be the average amount of time most people need to brush their teeth. But if you really need to, you can take as long as you need. Five minutes isn’t out of the question, sometimes even ten minutes doesn’t sound excessive. After all, you want to be sure every tooth, your tongue, and your gums all get a good scrubbing. Sometimes you might not even need two minutes – sometimes just one minute or even less will do. But ultimately, it comes down to how comfortable you are.
Make Sure You Have the Right Toothpaste
Comfort is a crucial part of forming a good plan for dental hygiene. Having the right toothbrush, toothpaste, and yes, even mouthwash can all make a world of difference. Your toothpaste should be one that has high ratings from the American Dental Association. Despite what you may think, softer bristles are better for your mouth than firmer ones. You can even choose to have an electric toothbrush instead of a traditional one, if you like. Just be sure that you use it every day, and keep your favorite mouthwash and form of dental floss close at hand, too.
Brush As Often As You Can
Brushing your teeth after every meal is some more solid advice we can give you. Although this may not seem practical, especially during a busy day at work or school, it is still possible. After you eat breakfast, brush your teeth (but if you are having cereal and orange juice, you might want to wait a little bit first) and of course, don’t forget to brush before you go to sleep at night.
You Can Trust Olney Dental for All of Your Oral Care Needs
For all of your oral care questions and concerns, Olney Dental has the expertise and professionalism to get them the answers they need. Olney Dental is ready to supply you with expert service in a professional environment. Schedule an appointment online today! For more information on how we can give your family the best dentist experience available, give us a call at (301) 250-1057 or contact us online. For more dental tips, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, and Pinterest.